October 20, 2021

How To Celebrate The Full Moon In Aries (Oct. 20)

There’s a somewhat mysterious aura around full moons in general. But when the full moon occurs in October, there’s an added ethereal vibe. There are many ways to honor a full moon, but it can be especially powerful to set time aside to commune with the moon when it’s in Aries. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate the full moon in Aries when it occurs on October 20th.

How long is the full moon in Aries?
Technically, the full moon only lasts for one night (on the 20th), but you can make this astrological event special by taking time out of your night to honor the moon’s powers. The steps you take towards marking the full moon can last for several weeks (even after the moon is in a new lunar phase).

How do people act when the moon is in Aries?
A full moon in general can show different sides of people’s behavior. In fact, it’s noted that the full moon can bring out extremes or intense sides of personalities. Full moons are also an opportunity for us to better understand ourselves (especially when the moon is in Aries). During this time of the lunar cycle, people might notice that they can find the answers they need when they ask the universe for help. Individuals might act more inquisitive or curious during the full moon in Aries.

The combination of a full moon and Aries also means people might feel more social or extroverted and can exhibit more gregarious tendencies. Although the full moon won’t make people act completely wild, there can be subtle changes to personality during this timeframe. Take advantage of this shift by doing things you wouldn’t normally do, like going on a fun adventure or meet up with new people.

What does it mean when the full moon is in Aries?
Along with the above, this astrological event means that everyone has better access to their subconscious minds. This allows us to focus more on what we really truly want and need – it’s like listening to our hearts instead of our heads.

The full moon in Aries provides us with a clearer picture of our own unique purpose. Take the time during this full moon to journal or meditate on what you think your purpose might be so that you can move toward it with more conviction and clarity.

What ways can you honor the full moon?
If you’re wondering what to do on a full moon in Aries, there are countless possibilities. Here are some suggestions if you’re not sure where to get started…

  • Do a full moon ritual: Rituals can be whatever you want them to be. They can include any of the ideas listed below or can be as simple as sitting under the moonlight, absorbing and appreciating the moon’s energy. 
  • Set your intentions: This is a great thing to do for a full moon in Aries because it’s an ideal time to reveal your life’s mission. Journal about what you’re hoping to accomplish in the next lunar cycle or what path you’d like your life to take. Meditating on these goals or visions can be a really fulfilling experience.
  • Cleanse your home: Take time to physically clear your home of negative energy by saging or redecorating. You’ll feel much more at peace if you’re living in a space that’s been cleared of specific objects or energies that aren’t serving you any longer.
  • Charge your healing crystals: This is a perfect one to focus on during the full moon. Take your healing crystals and leave them out in the moonlight to charge them with the moon’s energy. The crystals will be much more powerful once they’ve been charged during a full moon.
  • Work to resolve conflicts: A full moon in Aries is a great time to resolve any conflicts present in your life. You’ll find that during this time, you’re more easily able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This empathy allows you to see both sides of an argument and to come up with a solution that might have eluded you before. Resolving conflicts can help you feel more ready to take on other challenges that arise in your life.
  • Take part in competitions: Even if you’re not normally a competitive person, you might find yourself more willing to jump in and compete during the full moon in Aries. Use this competitive spirit to win games or challenges (either at play or at work).
  • Reinforce your boundaries: This is something that’s good to practice during every part of the lunar cycle, but it’s especially valuable during the full moon in Aries. Make sure that you’re speaking up for yourself whenever possible – you deserve to have your feelings and opinions heard and respected by everyone in your life.

Take advantage of the full moon in Aries by celebrating whichever way feels right to you. If you’re unsure how to mark the occasion, book a reading with a psychic or astrologist – they can help you put together a moon ritual or practice to make this full moon a meaningful one for you.

