The past few years have been challenging for all of us. From a global pandemic and lockdowns to political unrest and uncertainty, it makes sense that we’ve all been on edge. Some of the feelings surrounding these events can actually be attributed to astrology. And now, we’re moving into a new cycle that could provide us with some much-needed positivity. This is due to the planet Saturn moving into Pisces. So, is Saturn in Pisces good? Read on for all you need to know!
Where has Saturn been prior to now?
Since 2019, Saturn has been within the Aquarius zone. Because Aquarius is a fixed sign, most of us were experiencing restraint and discipline (this definitely came into play when dealing with the pandemic and its restrictions). Saturn in Aquarius meant that we were provided with some structure in a super unpredictable time. This was a good thing because it kept us safe, but it has also led to feelings of detachment and distance from others. Now, however, the planet has moved – with Saturn in Pisces meaning some major changes could be occurring for every sign in the zodiac.
What Saturn in Pisces means for 2023
Since Pisces is a water sign, this period of time will be like a thawing out of sorts. We’ll all be encouraged to dream big and to push boundaries so that we can accomplish things that we never thought possible. Although we might feel like we have less control over things, our ability to indulge in our imaginations and escapist fantasies will help balance things out. It’s also important to note that Neptune is traveling alongside Saturn during this time. This means that discipline won’t be as easy as it was during the previous transit – but that doesn’t mean it will be impossible for some signs to buckle down when they need to.
What are the specific Saturn in Pisces dates?
Saturn entered Pisces back on March 7, 2023. It will continue to move through Pisces until February 13, 2026. For the next three years, the rules and customs that hold us in place will be much more fluid. Saturn hasn’t been in Pisces since all the way back in 1996 (that’s 27 years ago! Way to make us feel old), so it might take all of us a little time to adjust to this change.
How will Saturn in Pisces affect me?
The effect of Saturn in Pisces can vary depending on your own planetary movements. Here’s a rundown of how Saturn in Pisces will impact each sign…
Aries: You’ve been neglecting your mental health over the past few years, but this will change during Saturn in Pisces. Over the next three years, you’ll need to focus more on taking care of your own peace of mind, even if that means making sacrifices in other areas of your life.
Taurus: Saturn will be entering your 11th House of friends and social networks, so you’ll be making new connections that will impact your life in a variety of ways. You might feel stressed about these obligations at first (particularly in terms of making time for everyone), but by the end of the transit, your life will settle into a perfect balance with a whole circle of loyal friends to support you.
Gemini: You’ll be encouraged to put more of a routine into place at work during Saturn in Pisces. This might feel unnatural to you at first, but after you get used to it, you’ll notice that this stability allows you to flourish in your career in a very real and exciting way.
Cancer: You’ll feel a pull towards connecting with your higher power while Saturn is in Pisces. It doesn’t matter exactly where or how you find this connection – it will end up leading you to embrace your spirituality in a way that allows you to feel whole and complete.
Leo: Saturn in Pisces 2023 for Leo signs means that you’ll be inspired to put systems into place that ensure your financial security. This could mean that you need to enforce some boundaries with others, but you’ll definitely benefit from paying close attention to how and where you’re spending your hard-earned money.
Virgo: Saturn will enter your 7th House of partnerships during this transit. Whether you’re single or taken, the next three years will be all about bringing your romantic hopes to fruition. Keep in mind that you might need to practice speaking up about your needs in order to create your ideal relationship, though.
Libra: You haven’t focused on your physical health so much over the last few years. Now is the perfect time for you to put into place routines that will allow you to prioritize your fitness and wellness. Your body will thank you!
Scorpio: Saturn moving into Pisces will allow you to better understand what sparks joy for you and what brings you pleasure. Instead of focusing solely on your responsibilities and goals, you’ll learn to appreciate the journey more (especially if it involves something you love doing).
Sagittarius: Because Saturn in Aquarius created opportunities for you to implement structure in your life, now you’ll be able to focus more on making your dreams a reality. Pay attention to your home life over the next three years – this is the area where you can make the most progress in achieving your hopes.
Capricorn: Saturn in Pisces finally gives you the chance to look at the world in a more abstract way. You’ve been unknowingly creating obstacles for yourself because you just weren’t capable of thinking outside the box, but the next three years will give you the space to dream.
Aquarius: You’ve been feeling a lot of pressure when it comes to finances over the last few years. Saturn in Pisces will allow you to approach the issue with more creativity and imagination. The solution to your money problems might be unconventional, but it could work in your favor in a major way.
Pisces: Unsurprisingly, you’re the sign that will be most affected by Saturn in Pisces. Most of the time, following rules can make you feel stifled. But during the next three years, Saturn being in your 1st House of self-expression will create an opportunity for you to pursue your dreams in a more concrete way (even if you have to navigate some rules while you do it).
You can be prepared for everything that will take place because of Saturn in Pisces. Just book a reading with an astrologer today to find out what to expect over the next three years!
Featured image by Tara Winstead on Pexels
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