Being afraid of things is part of being human. We all worry about things like the safety of our loved ones or being financially secure enough to enjoy our future. But most people have fears that they keep hidden because they’re so deep-seated and intense. These fears can often inform a lot of our choices and behaviors because we’re driven to avoid them.
Your zodiac sign can also account for some of these things you’re scared about. Here’s a look at your secret fear according to your zodiac sign.
What are the zodiac signs afraid of?
You might be operating from a place of fear when you come across the following sticky points in your day-to-day life:
Aries: Being trapped in a relationship
There is nothing you value more than your independence. You appreciate your solitude and the ability to make decisions for yourself. When you feel like you don’t have freedom in your relationships, you tend to bail. The trick is to remember that relationships can also make you feel safe and loved – they don’t have to feel like a ball and chain.
Taurus: Not being able to support yourself financially
Stability is the most important aspect in your life. If money is tight, you’ll experience a great deal of anxiety, which makes your biggest fear not being able to stay financially solvent. Come up with a budget and a plan for your money that makes you feel secure so you can avoid operating solely on the worry that you might run out of funds.
Gemini: Not being allowed to change your mind
You love to adapt and change with the wind, which means you hate being locked rigidly into a plan or relationship. If you lose the ability to make your own choices or change your mind a few times, you tend to feel trapped. To maintain your sense of control, remember that you always have options – nothing is set in stone.
Cancer: The unknown
Being scared of the unknown is one of the zodiac signs’ biggest fears because it can become so all-encompassing. For Cancer signs, unexpected situations can end up feeling like whirlwinds of anxiety and fear. Even though you feel safe in your comfort zone, remember that sometimes taking risks can be rewarding.
Leo: Ending up alone
Your relationships are the most important aspect of your life. These connections keep you feeling strong and fortified – but it’s crucial to remember that relationships don’t actually define who you are. You’re incredibly tough and resilient and can survive anything life throws at you, whether there’s someone by your side or not.
Virgo: Never escaping your perfectionism
You can get way too bogged down in details and minutiae because you expect everything you do to be perfect. But this is a losing battle, since you’re human and can’t actually be perfect all the time! To escape your perfectionism, lean into your flaws – they’re what make you a well-rounded person who can learn to accept a little mess.
Libra: Losing important relationships
You’re terribly afraid of losing the people you’re closest to. But you also tend to deal with your sadness by shutting down and closing yourself off. Be honest about your feelings with the people you love – you’re much more likely to get support when you’re actually open about what you’re going through. And remember: if you strengthen the connection you have with yourself, you’ll know you can survive on your own, even if relationships end.
Scorpio: Taking risks
You’re not generally someone who loves taking risks in any area of your life, but especially when it comes to your relationships. You tend to keep your feelings pretty hidden, which means you don’t often feel comfortable jumping into relationships without a lot of preparation. Try to keep in mind that change doesn’t have to be a bad thing – it can actually be pretty great if you allow yourself to be open to the possibility of positive things coming your way.
Sagittarius: Having your freedom taken away
You’re not a big fan of commitment – you fear that getting locked down in a relationship will mean the end of your freedom. But this only results in you missing out on deeper connections with people. Try to approach this with the mindset that security can be really comforting, and that entering a relationship doesn’t always mean that you’re getting your wings clipped.
Capricorn: Failing in your roles or responsibilities
One of the common zodiac signs’ insecurities revolves around being a failure, and this one hits particularly close to home for you. You’re super hardworking and try to plan for every potential outcome. But this narrow focus can mean you often forget about the joy that could be present in your life if you let go of your intense drive to succeed. Remember that you need a break from the grind every now and then.
Aquarius: Becoming conventional
As an Aquarius, you’re a free spirit. You don’t like being tied to conventions, especially ones that don’t align with your personal values. Rejecting conventions that don’t work for you is totally fine, but remember that traditions don’t always have to be a bad thing. Think through some traditions or customs in your life that you actually enjoy and appreciate so you can avoid worrying about becoming “too conventional” in the long run.
Pisces: Losing the ability to create
If you’re wondering which zodiac sign gets scared easily, the answer is you, Pisces. You’re terrified of losing the creativity that helps you express your emotions. You worry that you’ll run out of ideas or lose your passion. Remember that your creativity can always be rekindled – your gifts of imagination will be there waiting for you to tap back in when you need them.
There are so many things to worry about every day, but you shouldn’t feel stifled or held back from achieving happiness because of your fears. If you’d like to know more about how your zodiac sign is affecting your behavior, book a reading with an astrologer today.
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