March 21, 2023

10 Ways To Charge Your Tarot Cards

People who are new to the world of tarot might not know how much power the cards can truly hold. In order to access the knowledge and guidance tarot cards can provide, it’s imperative that they’re used in a careful way, and that the reader (whether that’s you or a professional) makes sure the cards are well taken care of. To do this, tarot cards must be charged. Want to know about different ways to charge your tarot cards? We’ve got all you need to know right here.

What are tarot cards and what are they used for?
Tarot cards are an aspect of psychism. A reader can use a specific set of cards to tell someone’s fortune or to give them insight into current situations or relationships. There are lots of different decks out there (with a variety of themes), but traditional decks have well-known characters, such as The Lovers or The Hanged Man, or subjects, such as Death, Justice, or Strength. The way the cards are drawn and how they’re laid out all have specific meanings, which can be interpreted in different ways depending on the person.

What does charging your tarot cards mean?
The term “charging” in relation to tarot cards basically means giving the cards new energy and purpose. This needs to be done in various circumstances to ensure that the person getting the reading is receiving an accurate interpretation of the cards. There are a few other terms that are similar to charging, including “cleansing” and “clearing.” These words also refer generally to removing negative energy from the cards (or the room in which the reading is taking place). Charging is often referred to in more specific situations when cards need to be enlivened with new energy or with new purpose.

You might be wondering: how do you activate tarot cards? Activation can also fall into the same category as charging. It’s all about connecting energetically with the cards.

When should charging occur?
So, when should I charge my tarot deck? There are some specific situations when it’s a good idea for you to charge your deck (or ask your tarot reader to do so). In some cases, people like to charge their cards as part of a ritual to start off their reading with intention.

Here are a few examples of times when it would be beneficial for you to charge your cards:

  • Your deck hasn’t been used in a while.
  • Your deck has been handled by anyone else (even a professional tarot reader).
  • Your tarot readings or the environment you’re in feel blocked energetically.
  • You’ve been exposed to someone else’s negative or toxic energy.
  • Your cards were lost, fell on the floor, or were disrupted in any way.
  • You’re feeling disconnected from the cards themselves.
  • Your last reading dealt with difficult or sensitive issues.
  • You just feel the need to start over with fresh energy.

You don’t really need a specific reason to charge your cards – if anything is feeling off, or you just feel like doing it, that’s a good enough reason to get charging!

How do you energize tarot cards?
It’s vital to energize and charge your tarot cards when you feel it’s the right time to do so. If you’re wondering how to charge and cleanse your tarot deck, here are some suggestions you can try.

  1. Crystals – Using crystals to charge a deck is a favorite of many tarot readers. You can set one or more crystals on top of the deck to draw out the energy of the crystal. There are a few crystals that are extra good at cleansing and purifying tarot cards – try using hematite, obsidian, or black tourmaline for this purpose. Any kind of quartz is great for setting intentions with your readings. Leaving the crystals to charge overnight can also be helpful.
  2. Smoke – Smoke can help charge your deck if you simply hold your deck near it. Some people choose to use incense, while others go for specific plants like sage (perfect for cleansing) or lavender (for improved communication). Allowing smoke to waft around the cards or the deck as a whole can be very cleansing.
  3. Salt – This one can get a little messy, but salt is an ideal way of drawing out negative energy from the cards. Submerge your deck in salt by wrapping it in a plastic bag or in a sealed, plastic container and then burying it. The length of time it's buried in the salt is up to you (typically a week or two is best). You can also put a ring of salt around the deck of cards for a day or two instead. Even just sprinkling a few pinches of salt on the backs of the cards can be a quick cleansing action.
  4. Moonlight – Putting your deck out in direct moonlight can help easily restore its inherent energy. It’s even more effective when there’s a full moon.
  5. Sunlight – Just like with moonlight, there’s a lot of power to be gleaned from sunlight. The solar energy can give your cards a fresh start – just make sure you don’t leave them out too long so they don’t get discolored or bleached.
  6. Breath – This is one of the simplest options for charging your deck. Simply blowing on the deck can help to brush away any stale or negative energy.
  7. Sound – Making sound with intention can help charge your tarot cards. Anything from bells to sound bowls can shift the energy. If you don’t have access to these when your cards need a refresh, don’t worry – even the sound of your voice can result in a breakthrough of energy.
  8. Reiki – If you have access to a reiki practitioner, they can help you charge your deck. They’re incredibly skilled at focusing energy and bringing positivity where it’s needed.
  9. Knocking – If you don’t have a lot of time to charge your cards, simply knocking on the deck with your fist is a pretty literal gesture that can help get rid of negative energy. Knocking three times will do the trick.
  10. Shuffling – Shuffling tarot cards as you would a regular deck of playing cards is one of the quickest and easiest ways to charge them. You can shuffle them regularly or spread them out on a flat surface and move them around before you gather them up again – either of these methods helps to shuffle the energy for a renewed deck.

If you’ve been asking yourself, “How can I charge my tarot cards?” or you’d just like your tarot cards read, make sure to book a reading today!


Featured image by Edz Norton on Unsplash
