8 Ways To Mark The New Moon In Cancer (July 9)

If you haven’t been paying attention to the moon cycles lately, you might be wondering, “What is the new moon schedule for 2021?” To help take some of the guesswork out, here’s a rundown of everything you need to know about the new moon this month. So, is the moon in Cancer in 2021? The answer is yes - the new moon in Cancer occurs on July 9 this year. To get prepared for this lunar event, keep reading below!


What does a new moon indicate?

The new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. It happens every 28-30 days and is a phase of the moon where the moon and sun line up. The sun is shining behind the moon, so the moon is mostly blocked. It appears as just a sliver of the moon in the sky. A new moon can be a time of fresh starts and renewed energy.


How will the new moon affect me?

The new moon in Cancer this year will be an emotional time (that’s because the Cancer sign is one normally associated with deep feelings), so you might be feeling more in touch with your emotions than you normally are. You’ll also notice it’s easier to listen to your intuition and to trust your gut because of this new moon. Additionally, because Cancer signs are linked to feelings of compassion, you might find it easier to relate to the people around you (especially people that are going through a hard time). Use the power of this new moon to make stronger connections to your loved ones and to listen to your own inner truths.


What are some ways to mark the new moon in Cancer?

There are some tried and true ways to honor any new moon, but here are some specific ideas of how to mark the new moon in Cancer this year.


  1. Set new intentions for the summer - Because this is the first new moon of the summer season, it can be helpful to come up with some goals or intentions for what you’d like to achieve during the next few months. Even spending 10-15 minutes journaling about this can help set you on a healthier, more productive path for the summer.
  2. Connect with your truth - Cancer season means it’s time for you to take your blinders off. You might be avoiding a situation that feels tenuous or mysterious to you - now is the time to fully evaluate what is real and truthful. Don’t be misled by others - only you know what’s true for you. 
  3. Open up your heart to new possibilities - You might be facing some complications in the romance department lately. The new moon in Cancer allows you to open yourself up to new opportunities for love (both platonic and not). Try to keep an open mind when presented with potential new relationships - staying open could result in powerful, new connections.
  4. Feel your emotions - Cancer signs are notorious for getting caught up in their feels. So, don’t be afraid to get as emo as you want during this new moon. Sometimes a good cry is completely necessary if you want to heal and move forward.
  5. Listen to your intuition - Ever feel like you have that special voice inside that’s guiding you? Maybe sometimes you ignore that little voice. Well, now is the time to embrace listening to your gut. In fact, your intuition will rarely steer you wrong. Not sure how exactly to listen to your intuition? Meditate on a specific issue and see what comes up for you - you’ll likely hear that little voice getting stronger and stronger.
  6. Get outside your comfort zone - Cancers tend to stay in their comfort zones (it feels safer for them). However, this new moon offers you the chance to shake up your plans and become more adaptable. Remember that some of the best adventures happen when life doesn’t go according to plan.
  7. Connect with loved ones - The new moon in Cancer will make you feel more nurturing towards the important people in your life. Make sure you’re spending plenty of your time this month connecting with your loved ones. This time will be well spent once you see how much stronger your relationships can become with this effort. Plus, since we’re not quarantining anymore, you can actually go out and visit with your friends and family - so, take advantage of any face to face contact you can have this July.
  8. Carve out some time for self-care - Because of the Cancer energy, you’ll definitely be feeling more compassionate (including towards yourself). Celebrate this new moon by setting time aside for some quality self-care. Taking care of yourself can look a lot of different ways (a nice bath, a nap, starting a new book) - however you decide to relax, make sure the activity will be truly restorative for you.


Not sure the best way for you to mark the new moon in Cancer? Book a reading with an astrologist or a psychic today - they can help you kick off this lunation right!
