May 18, 2021

Lunar Eclipse Explained: What You Need to Know

Eclipses in astronomy, both solar and lunar, can have a significant impact on us humans. Lunar eclipses, in particular, can be times where we experience a great deal of change and transformation. So, is there going to be a lunar eclipse in 2021? The answer is yes! For more information on the full moon lunar eclipse and how it can affect you astrologically, keep reading.

What is a full moon lunar eclipse?
A total lunar eclipse takes place when the earth comes between the sun and the moon, and the earth covers the moon with its shadow. When this occurs, the moon can actually turn red (that’s why you might have heard it called a “blood moon”). Total eclipses of the moon happen during a full moon when the sun, earth, and moon are aligned. The term for this is syzygy – which, translated from Greek, means “being paired together.”

During a total lunar eclipse, the earth comes between the sun and the moon and blocks any direct sunlight from reaching the moon. The sun actually casts the earth’s shadow onto the moon. The earth’s shadow can be divided into three parts:

  • Umbra: the dark, middle section
  • Penumbra: the outer part
  • Antumbra: the part shaded beyond the umbra

When a total lunar eclipse occurs, the earth’s umbra completely covers the moon.

How many lunar eclipses are there in 2021?
There are four types of eclipses that will occur in 2021: two solar and two lunar. The two solar eclipses will occur on June 10 and December 4. The two lunar eclipses will occur on May 26 and November 18–19. However, there will be only one total lunar eclipse this year, and that’s the one happening on May 26. It will be visible in much of North America, but also in Asia and South America.

What is the difference between a lunar eclipse and a full moon?
Total lunar eclipses can only happen when there’s a full moon. A full moon occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun (that’s when it’s fully illuminated). As mentioned above, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are in a line. It’s important to note that a lunar eclipse doesn’t occur on every full moon every lunar cycle – just two times in a calendar year. This is because the eclipse can only occur when the moon is crossing the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun.

What are some lunar eclipse astrology predictions?
We can definitely be impacted astrologically by lunar eclipses like the one occurring on May 26, 2021. It can be a time of huge transformation and major life changes. It’s almost as though the universe is lending a helping hand to guide you to exactly where you should be on your path.

The only downside is sometimes people experience growing pains during this time of transition. It can feel uncomfortable to leave behind your comfort zone where you already feel safe, but ultimately, the rewards once you’ve changed will be worth it. Growing more fully into yourself is a wonderful goal to have, and the full moon lunar eclipse can help with that.

You should also use the lunar eclipse as a time to rethink various areas of your life. Take stock of who is in your life and how they’re affecting your happiness. Reevaluate your education or career to see if what you’re doing is really fulfilling for you. It can help to journal about these aspects of your life in order to get a good picture of what you’d like to change or what goals you’d like to accomplish in the future. It’s also the perfect time to get rid of anything that’s no longer serving you.

This year’s particular lunar eclipse in May takes place in the free-spirited sign of Sagittarius. Because it’s the first eclipse of the year and Sagittarius signs can be pretty fiery, most people will experience some hardcore feelings and emotions. This will lead to some course-correcting so that you can get back to the right path. Most individuals will be inspired to start out in a new direction with a newfound purpose.

Because Sagittarius signs are also optimistic and seek out adventure, it’s an ideal time to lean into these qualities. Focus on the big picture and setting positive new intentions, and you can get the most out of this lunar eclipse. Don’t forget that Mercury in retrograde starts on May 29 as well – so make sure to keep all of your communications as clear as possible as you embark on this new path!

If you want to know exactly what to expect for this eclipse, it can be helpful to book a reading with an astrologist or a psychic. They can offer guidance on exactly what steps you should take to deal with some of the big changes coming your way, and to fully appreciate the beauty of the lunar eclipse when it happens on May 26!
